why ?? ahaha =)

im starting to feel curious.. why is it that all of a sudden.. every one wants to know who that gurl is..? i mean .. c'mon.. i had crush on that gurl since the early 2008...and no one asked me who that gurl was.. then suddenly this year.. lots of people are asking me "sepa ba tu pompuan?".."who is that "her"..?" "who is she?" ...

haihz.. but.. who cares bout those questions ...

all i want to know now is.. WHOSE THE LUCKY(ahah) DUDE THAT "SHE" HAS A CRUSH ON RIGHT NOW ? is it me ? is it him ? or is it **********?.. is it ****** ? .. 'coz.. she specifically labelled that dude as a "CUTIE"...'coz .. i ain't cute..

its like the only question playing around in my mind right now.. seems like it cant get out from my mind.. !! @.@ ARGH !!! (HELP !!!)
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